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Witney's Computer, Phone and Electronics Repair Store
Phone Number: 01993774490
Address: 101 High Street, Witney, OX28 6HY
Website: https://www.abilitysystems.co.uk/
Skin care, essential oils, bath, body, nails and gifts
Phone Number: 01993 705135
Address: 11 West End, Witney, OX28 1NQ
Website: https://bamptonhouse.co.uk/
Fraser’s valeting center at BP Brize Norton
Phone Number: 01993 840022
Address: Carterton Road , Carterton, OX18 3YL
Website: https://frasersbudgens.co.uk/store/brize-norton-store/
Oliver & James - Funeral Directors. Providing a First-Class service to our community.
Phone Number: 01993 702675.
Address: 81 High Street , Witney, OX286HY
Dedicated Locksmiths - Serving Oxford and the Thames Valley area
Phone Number: 01993 402120
Address: Wittas House, 2 Rivers Station Lane, Witney, OX284BH
Newslink Newsagents in Witney - Off License, Groceries, Frozen Food, Lottery, Paypoint, Vape.
Phone Number: 07775698954
Address: 9, Market Square, Witney, OX28 6AB
Phone Number: 01993 85 22 33
Address: Buckland Road, Bampton, OX18 2AA
Website: https://bamptongardenplants.co.uk/
Phone Number: 01993 256345
Address: Lawfield, Buckland Road, Bampton, OX18 2EW
Website: https://www.bamptongas.co.uk/
Phone Number: 020 4551 8888
Address: Floor 4, 4 Kingdom Street, Paddington, W2 6BD
Website: https://www.etherapeutics.co.uk/
Phone Number: 01993 866693
Address: Troy House, Aston Road,, Ducklington, OX29 7XA
Website: https://gagedemolition.co.uk/
Cleaning and Repair
Phone Number: 01993 357272
Address: 62 High Street, Witney, OX28 6HJ
Website: https://irepairtech.com/
Love the Tree - Sculptor and Artist Chris Townsend.
Phone Number: 07941 503 519
Address: The Old Forge, Barrow Farm, Asthall, OX18 4HJ
Website: https://www.lovethetree.com/
WRFM Overnight
Midnight - 8:00am
If you need some help to make it through the night then we're playing the best music mix to keep you going.
Saturday Breakfast
8:00am - 10:00am
Saturday Breakfast with Bill bringing all the latest news and views from the local community, three in a row, a world famous quiz, plus great music. Join Bill from 8am every Saturday.
Science on the Radio
10:00am - 10:30am
Science on the Radio is a weekly show presented by Nina Morgan and produced by Grant Grindley which broadcasts at 10am on Saturdays and 6pm on Sundays.
Community Matters
10:30am - 11:00am
Community Matters - We bring you all the latest news from around the community, Saturdays at 11am and Sundays between 6.25 - 7pm.
The Vi Life
11:00am - Noon
The Vi Life with Vi, helping you make sense of the world and your life.
Create a mosaic heart @ The Oxfordshire Museum Woodstock
Saturday 10.30 - 4, Sunday 2-4.30pm During this fun and easy-going workshop you will create a mosaic heart using mosaic glass tesserae and broken china. On Sat...
Wychwood Folk Club presents Gordon Giltrap with support from Katie Grace Harris
Gordon Giltrap + support from Katie Grace Harris Tiddy Hall, Shipton Road, Ascott -u- Wychwood, Oxon, OX7 6AG
Stanton Harcourt village market
Stanton Harcourt village market
Today's Weather
Heavy Rain
High: 5°C | Low: 1°C