Ability Systems
- Accommodation
- Animal Care
- Arts & Crafts
- Automotive
- Banking & Finance
- Breweries & Distillers
- Building & Construction
- Business & Legal
- Charities
- Cleaning and Repair
- Education
- Estate & Letting Agents
- Farmshops & Cafes
- Funeral Directors
- Hair & Beauty
- Healthcare & Dentistry
- Home Care & Wellbeing
- Homeware & Furniture
- Miscellaneous
- Music Venues
- Plumbing & Electrics
- Pubs & Restaurants
- Shops - Various
- Sports & Fitness
- Taxis & Transport
- Travel & Leisure
- More from Shops - Various
Phone Number: 01993774490
101 High Street, Witney, OX28 6HY
Website: https://www.abilitysystems.co.uk/
We Get The Job Done Quickly, iPhone Repairs In 30-60Mins
The Best iPhone, iPad, Computer Repairs in Witney. Trading on Witney High Street for over 20 Years and give full warranty on all repairs.
Do you have something that needs fixing? Ability Systems is here for all your repair needs. When possible, we use original parts for repairs, so anything you bring to us will be returned to you in mint condition. Feel free to pick up the phone with any questions you may have, we’re invested in customer service and are always happy to help.
WRFM Overnight
Midnight - 8:00am
If you need some help to make it through the night then we're playing the best music mix to keep you going.
Saturday Breakfast
8:00am - 10:00am
Saturday Breakfast with Bill bringing all the latest news and views from the local community, three in a row, a world famous quiz, plus great music. Join Bill from 8am every Saturday.
Science on the Radio
10:00am - 10:30am
Science on the Radio is a weekly show presented by Nina Morgan and produced by Grant Grindley which broadcasts at 10am on Saturdays and 6pm on Sundays.
Community Matters
10:30am - 11:00am
Community Matters - We bring you all the latest news from around the community, Saturdays at 11am and Sundays between 6.25 - 7pm.
The Vi Life
11:00am - Noon
The Vi Life with Vi, helping you make sense of the world and your life.
Create a mosaic heart @ The Oxfordshire Museum Woodstock
Saturday 10.30 - 4, Sunday 2-4.30pm During this fun and easy-going workshop you will create a mosaic heart using mosaic glass tesserae and broken china. On Sat...
Wychwood Folk Club presents Gordon Giltrap with support from Katie Grace Harris
Gordon Giltrap + support from Katie Grace Harris Tiddy Hall, Shipton Road, Ascott -u- Wychwood, Oxon, OX7 6AG
Stanton Harcourt village market
Stanton Harcourt village market
Today's Weather
Heavy Rain
High: 5°C | Low: 1°C